📄️ Welcome & Onboarding Overview
Creating a strong first impression is vital for community growth and retention. The Invite Rewards Bot provides powerful tools to welcome new members, assign roles automatically, and secure your server with verification.
📄️ Welcome Messages
Welcome messages play a vital role in making new members feel welcomed and engaged when they join your server. With the Invite Rewards Bot, you can set personalized welcome messages and embeds for your server, direct messages (DMs), and even vanity invite links.
📄️ Farewell Messages
Farewell messages ensure that departing members are thanked and provided with a pleasant send-off. With the Invite Rewards Bot, you can customize farewell messages and embeds for your server, direct messages (DMs), and even vanity invite links.
📄️ Auto Roles
Auto Roles allow you to automatically assign roles to members when they join your server. With the Invite Rewards Bot, you can streamline role management and ensure that new members receive the appropriate roles based on your server's configuration.
📄️ Verification
Verification ensures that new members meet specific criteria before accessing your server. With the Invite Rewards Bot, you can configure various types of verification systems to keep your server secure and streamline onboarding.
📄️ Placeholders
Placeholders allow you to dynamically insert user-specific, inviter-specific, or server-specific information into your messages. Below is a list of placeholders you can use and their descriptions.